Hey Pete,
I hope you don't mind helping with this issue. I've been having it for over two months now and Comcast is absolutely clueless! I've spoken with techs, advanced techs, tech supervisors, managers, supermanagers.. okay I'm making people up now, but suffice to say, either no one at Comcast knows what the problem is, or it's a problem on their end that they are reluctant to admit for whatever reason.
Now, I'm not saying conclusively it is their problem, I don't know honestly, but I have tried just about everything on my end I can think of. I've replaced my modem, gone without a router, used multiple different computers and network cards, replaced coaxial cables and ethernet cables. I've had a new 'drop line' run from the road to my house. I'm plugged my modem in different rooms etc. to verify it's not an electrical problem. No luck, no improvement no matter what.
Alright, so what's my problem? This:

Here's a pingplotter log for tonight:
http://www.anguishguild.org/misc/google3.pp2Here's two for some time in the past, not sure exactly how far back:
http://www.anguishguild.org/misc/google1.pp2http://www.anguishguild.org/misc/google2.pp2In the times where I have the packetloss my modem doesn't reset/cycle. I simply lose connection to everything for, as you can see, 1-10seconds at a time. Then everything returns to normal. According to the Comcast guys, my "signal levels" are fine. I'm not sure what fine is, so I can't verify they're right, but I've had five or six technicians tell me the same, so I figure it's true.
That's all I can think of right now, if you have any other questions of course feel free to ask. Basically, I'm just looking for some semi-conclusive evidence to show the Comcast guys to say essentially: I know the problem is here, fix it! Or if it's likely a problem on my end, cool, what do I need to do to fix it? Obviously it's a long shot that you'll be able to determine for sure what the issue is, but after two months of this crud, I'm getting desperate here. Maybe you'll be able to gleen some kind of information from these logs that the Comcast guys couldn't!
Thanks a lot.