I have posted a couple times showing Comcast servers are causing me problems while gaming. My latency gets as high as 8000ms+ which makes the game unplayable whenever Comcast's servers see any substantial load, I assume.
Their tech support replied with the following after sending them images and .pp2 files showing the issue several times and here is the reply I received.
I do not know if you have had a response to this, but you are not seeing packet loss on one of our headend routers. Multi-ping/ping path is sending ICMP echo requests to every router in the path to your game server, if there was any device with high latency, that would cause the issue with the game. The ICMP packet that is being dropped is not “packet loss” every router on every ISP has two conditions where they will drop ICMP echo requests. One is that they allow only so many to the backplane of the router, usually 250Kb/s once that is met all others will be dropped. Two is if the router’s CPU hit 30% of max utilization then it will drop ICMP requests. The device you claim is causing you issues is one of the most robust devices we have in the network, I am sure that it is not causing this issue. You may want to call your ISP to check if there is an issue in your area, as this device is acting as it should to keep you and everyone going through it up and running by dropping ICMP requests and not allowing itself to be DDOS’ed. I hope this helps, have a good day.
Spencer Jones
Engineer II Enterprise Technical Support
7150 S. Fulton St, Centennial, CO 80112 Rift requires port forwarding through TCP ports so I am assuming the game uses TCP packets to transmit data.
My question is would ICMP packet dropping by Comcast's ibone servers negatively affect the data being transmitted from playing Rift or should I not see any effect from this ICMP packet dropping? Do you think the Comcast server(s) are only dropping ICMP packets or is something wrong with their server(s)? Comcast's servers are not the destination, simply several of the hops before the Rift destination server. I am having huge amounts of latency while Playing Rift at the exact same time and only when Comcast’s system is showing packet loss through their servers/ibones.
Here are a couple of example images to help. The first is directly to the Rift game server and the second image is to show that there is an issue with Comcast's servers since Rift's server doesn't accept pings.
Also, here is my past post with PingPlotter Pro images of this issue.

Thank you for your time and answers.