Thanks for the question!
Without knowing the specifics of your drones I may have to make a few assumptions in this reply. Also since we have never done a test like this with drones before, these are some best guesses. That said, our product PingPlotter Pro has the ability to algorithmically measure MOS or "Mean Opinion Score". MOS is a common metric for measuring streaming audio and video quality based on connectivity. This cannot fully replace a human being actually watching the video and giving their observations but it does give a good metric to measure and improve your connectivity and quality from. Here is an article about MOS:
https://www.pingplotter.com/wisdom/article/all-about-mean-opinion-score.htmlIt depends on where your drone is streaming the video too but if your drone is connected wirelessly on a wireless network then you should be able to load PingPlotter Pro onto a computer on the same network. You can then trace to the drone's IP address and see in real-time, as well as record, the MOS, latency, and packet loss for a given period of time.
You could also record the video feed with time stamps and then reference any obvious streaming issues back to the MOS record from PingPlotter.
It sounds like you also would want to analyze what other wireless networks (there are many apps and programs to do this) in the area and gather information about them. A quick google search revealed an app called Acrylic Wi-Fi as an interesting place to start.
You can grab a copy of PingPlotter Pro (free for 14-days) and give it a try by heading here:
https://www.pingplotter.com/downloadLet us know if this leaves you with any questions!