Hey AskingQuestions,
Thanks for reaching out!
Considering these targets are blocking ICMP traffic at the final hop this means that there is no data being returned by this hop meaning there is no latency information (100% packet loss).
A potential way around this can be using a different packet type such as TCP or UDP inside PingPlotter. To set this up go to Edit > Options > and right-click Default Settings and select
New. Then select the
New Config and navigate to Engine > Packet Type > and select either UDP or TCP.
Note that to use TCP packets inside PingPlotter you must first install
NPCap Once your new config(s) are set up you can select them by using the Settings drop down to the left of the focus period and then enter your target(s) to see if the final hop responds.
If the final hop to these targets does not respond after trying different packet types you can use the second to last hop in the route to get a decent idea of the latency/packet loss to that target is.
Keep in mind that if you are interpreting based on the second to last hop rather than the final hop, there are potential discrepancies as you are not actually seeing the final hop.Hopefully this helps, if this leaves you with any additional questions please let me know!