Should I have received a new license key after upgrading/renewing maintenance?


I just upgraded/renewed the maintenance on my license - do I need a new license key to run the program?


When you process an upgrade or a maintenance renewal on a license you own, the process actually upgrades/renews the maintenance on your existing license key, instead of generating a new one.

When a upgrade or maintenance renewal is processed, the maintenance date on your existing license key is changed (which will entitle you to the latest release, as well as any new versions that are released while your maintenance is active). Other than the maintenance date, there are no other changes made to your license information - so there's no need to redeploy, redistribute, or change your existing license key.

You can always check to see if the upgrade/maintenance renewal was successful by logging into your account, and checking the current status of your license. Be sure to check out our About Maintenance page for more information on how to check a license's maintenance status.

If you should find yourself with any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at!

Article ID: 114
Created On: November 16, 2015
Last Updated On: November 16, 2015

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