How to get a PingPlotter Cloud agent back online


My PingPlotter Cloud agent shows as offline even after I did a service restart. How do I get it back online?


The easiest way to get your agent back online is to use an Auto Link. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Head to PingPlotter Cloud.
  2. Click the Agents tab
  3. Click the Deploy link at the bottom of the right-side menu
  4. Click the Auto Link button
  5. Open a browser tab in your favorite browser
  6. Paste the URL and click Enter
  7. Click Open PingPlotter and wait for PingPlotter to open and display the "Your Cloud Agent is active!" message
  8. Head back to your cloud agent tab and that machine should now be back online.
Here is a short video that steps you through all of the steps of getting your agent back online.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Article ID: 164
Created On: March 4, 2022
Last Updated On: March 4, 2022

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