License key needed error.


I keep getting the error message 'You need to enter a user name and license key.'


MultiPing, PingPlotter Standard and PingPlotter Pro all use license 'reminder' dialogs to encourage you to purchase a license. This dialog is shown more frequently the longer you use these products without a license key. This dialog has two buttons 'Register' and 'Do it later'. If you don't enter a username and license key, but try to hit the 'Register' button, you'll get this error message.

If you don't have a license key, use the 'Do it later' button instead (if your trial has not expired), or go to our website to purchase a license. The 'Do it later' button sometimes waits a few seconds before it can be used. If the button is disabled, just wait. For PingPlotter Pro, when your 30 day trial period expires, the "Do it later" button is disabled until a license key is entered - on PingPlotter Standard and MultiPing, licensing reminders just become more persistent after 30 days.

If this dialog is too troublesome, purchasing a license will stop it from appearing.

Article ID: 85
Created On: July 29, 2010
Last Updated On: September 30, 2014

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