I use a batchfile to do just that, in conjunction<br>with two small programs, IceWatch and BMP2GIF, both<br>freeware.<br><br>This is what happens:<br><br>- Pingplotter saves every 10 minutes a BMP file with the<br>same name to disk.<br>- IceWatch monitors this filename and starts op a batchfile<br>when it sees the file has changed<br>- The batchfile converts the BMP to GIF and uses the standard<br>ftp-function within Microsoft to upload the file to my webpage.<br><br>Batchfile:<br>rem batchfile automatic upload PP-pics<br>cd\<br>cd progra~1\pingpl~1\<br>bmp2gif.exe pppic.bmp<br>ftp -n -s:ftp.txt<br>echo PP-pic uploaded<br>exit<br><br>ftp.txt:<br>open [your homepage ftp-server]<br>user [your inlogname]<br>[your password]<br>cd www/pplife<br>bin<br>put pppic.gif<br>quit<br><br>Its likely you must change some settings to log in<br>since your ISP may use another procedure. But with<br>some trial&error it must work :-)<br><br>IceWatch can be found on:<br>http://members.home.com/rkeir/software.html<br>BMP2GIF on:
http://softseek.com<br><br>Good luck :-)<br><br>Rob<br><br><br>