Thanks for writing in - and thanks for sending over a .pp2 file!
It appears that you're running your trace from a wireless connection; is this correct? Your results show some packet loss occurring at the first hop (which looks to be your router/modem) that's carrying through to your final destination. This would imply that the culprit here is something either between you and hop #1, or the device itself at hop #1. We've got some results similar to yours in our common network problems lineup, have a look here:
http://pingplotter.com/commonnetworkproblems/#wirelessintThere definitely *seems* to be something going on with your wireless connection, but seeing as how your cable modem and wireless router are a single device, you can't say for certain that this is a wireless problem based only on the data you've provided. There are a few steps you can take to help narrow things down from here, through:
* Run a trace in PingPlotter from a machine that is connected via a wire (as opposed to wireless), and see if that solves the problem. If it does - then it's pretty likely you've got an issue with your wireless connection.
* Ping another computer/device on the network. If you're pinging from a wireless to a wired device, the packet loss percentage *should* be similar to what you've been seeing. If this is the case - then you would know it's a wireless problem. If you're pinging from a wireless to another wireless device - then you'd expect to see a higher percentage of packet loss (than you would when only involving one wireless device). If there is no packet loss from pinging from a wireless device, then the issue here probably *isn't* your wireless system. If you do perform this test - it may be helpful to continue to monitor an out of network target (such as
www.download.com or similar) at the same time, so any packet loss can be correlated.
We've recently released a guide that goes through some best practices for troubleshooting issues such as this, which may also be helpful here:
http://pingplotter.com/netnirvana/Hopefully this helps out! If you have any other questions, or find yourself needing any assistance - please don't hesitate to let us know.
Best wishes,