I've noticed that in the default installation of PingPlotter Pro as a service, the folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64 is becoming full of .pp2 files. The official support of the software recommended to create a script or use a software to clean the hard disk of some of this old files.
It is safe to delete the old files if you don't need the history.
Here is the Powershell script I made:
$limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
$path1 = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64"
$extension = "*.pp2"
# Delete files older than the $limit.
Get-ChildItem -Path $path1 -Include $Extension -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Remove-Item -Force
Make sure run the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" in Powershell before running the script. You must RunAs Administrator...
Another good tip from support was to read this topic:
http://www.pingplotter.com/manual/pro/long_term_monitoring_and_auto-.htmlHope it helps others