Hey Gabriele,
Thanks for posting in the forums today - and happy Friday!
After taking a look at the screenshots you submitted (thank you for those by the way!), the packet loss you are seeing does not seem to be the issue here. It *appears* as though there are a few intermediate hops (your router included) that simply down-prioritized ICMP traffic - which come back as packet loss (because the device is basically saying, "no, I'm not going to respond back to your request, because you aren't as important of traffic as other things coming through."
The most important thing to take away from the packet loss seen, is that it does not carry through to subsequent hops - and the final destination has no packet loss. So packet loss in the intermediate hops is irrelevant.
We actually have an article that talks more about this here:
http://www.pingman.com/kb/24One thing I did notice in your trace to easo.ea.com, is the high latency. Here is an article on what's normal for latency that you might find useful for this case:
http://www.pingman.com/kb/42Hopefully this helps out! If you should find yourself with any other questions, or needing any other assistance - please don't hesitate to email us at support@pingplotter.com.