Hi Dirkus,
Thanks for writing into the forums today!
After taking a look at your screenshots (thanks for those by the way!), it is clear to see that there is an issue that starts somewhere between hops 1 and 2 that carries through to the end of the trace. What is the device at hop 2 (
Now that you have identified the culprit being *most likely* the device at hop 2, you can start troubleshooting that device.
If this is a router, try bypassing the router and running the trace again to see if that changes anything. If this device is a modem, you might want to try a different modem (you may need to call your internet service provider to come out with a different modem if it is being rented from them).
Seeing how the same issue happens when you are connected wired and wirelessly, you can rule out the wireless as the issue. Also, your latency is great - so it is just the packet loss that is effecting you.
Here is a forum post with more information regarding packet loss seen at a modem or router - as well as what could be causing it:
https://www.pingman.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1077#Post1077This article also goes over common network problems (which might be useful to you here):
http://www.pingplotter.com/common-network-problems/Specifically look at the sections under the headers "Bad Hardware on Local Network" and "Internet Service Provider Bad Hardware".
Hopefully this helps out! If you should find yourself with any other questions, or needing any other assistance - please don't hesitate to email us at support@pingplotter.com.