Thanks for getting in touch - and thank you for your recent PingPlotter Pro purchase! We appreciate the support.
Without a bit more information, it's tough to speculate on exactly what could be happening here. Are you seeing packet loss at intermediate hops in your PingPlotter results - or at the final destination? When using your terminal ping, are you tracing to the same target you're tracing to in PingPlotter (or are you using the terminal to target one of the intermediate hops from your PingPlotter results)?
If you'd like to send over some examples of what you're seeing (pp2 files, screenshots, etc), we'd be happy to take a closer look and offer any guidance we can. You can email that information to us (support@pingman.com), or post it here.
In the meantime, we *do* have a knowledge base article that covers a few possibilities on this front:
http://www.pingman.com/kb/37Please let us know where this leaves you, and we'll be happy to help out from there!
Best wishes,