Hey Vashiiq,
Thanks for getting in touch! I'm sorry to hear you're having some Internet issues.
I took a look at your results - did one of us help you in the past? You've traced to exactly everything we would've asked. If we did speak to you - welcome back! If not, well, color me impressed!
From what I saw in your results, it looks like you're definitely having some packet loss to external targets. It gets a bit muddy because it looks like all the hops are showing the same packet loss - but some have a bit more than is present at the final hop. This muddies the water a bit because we can't quite tell if those hops are truly malfunctioning, or if they're just discarding our requests so they can deal with more important traffic.
However, you did exactly what you should - you traced to the intermediate hops directly. This helps because the packets that hops get are different depending on if they're intermediate or final. And, most of the time, when the hop is treated as a final hop, it'll probably respond a bit better. From what I can see:
* Your loopback is great - meaning there's nothing wrong with the TCP/IP stack on your machine.
* Your NIC trace looks great. That means that the LAN and your NIC are both operating pretty well.
* Your router trace also looks great. That means that up until basically the border of what you own, you're in the clear.
However, I do see that the trace to your ISP is quite riddled with packet loss - and since we're getting that packet loss at the same time as the outages to external sites and in a similar pattern, we can rule the ISP's hop as the problem.
What does this mean for you? This means that the issue is either with your "out" connection to the ISP's hop, or lies with the ISP itself. I would recommend giving them the results you showed us, all-inclusive. You can check out the following article to help in making a compelling case:
https://www.pingplotter.com/fix-your-network/build-a-case.htmlLet me know if you have any questions!