Hi MoeRon,
Thanks for writing into the forum!
After looking at your attached images I'm guessing that the issue likely starts at hop #2, which is Comcast. That said, to be sure I'd suggest also tracing to your router at hop #1 while also tracing to google.com.
Hop #1 is showing 67.7% and 82.3% packet loss. While at first all that red may seem really bad, upon closer examination and understanding what's going on it's not something to worry about after all. All that packet loss usually means the router is configured to down prioritize and drop the timed out ICMP requests that PingPlotter uses to trace the route. It's setup to prioritize other traffic (like your internet browsing or movie streaming) instead. The tricky bit is that it can actually also mask an real issue with your router.
Fortunately it's pretty easy to test this by tracing directly your router. When you trace directly it sends ICMP packets that are not timed out and therefore get prioritized the same as other traffic. When you do this and compare it to your other trace you may see something like this:
Image Link The 3 hops on the bottom are what you may see on your google trace and the hop on the top is what it may look like at your router. If this is the case you can see that the latency and packet loss starts outside of your network.
Let me know if this leaves you with any questions!