Hi DominoMišo,
Thanks for getting in touch!
After taking a look at your pp2 file I see that hop #1 ( - your router most likely) is great with almost no packet loss and very low latency (avg 0.6ms). The final hop actually looks pretty similar to the 2nd hop and is overall actually quite good with only 0.4% PL and an average latency of 34.5ms. I do see 1 or 2 latency spikes that could adversely affect game play (650ms spike at 12:37 pm starting at hop #2) but I'm not seeing what you're describing with consistent 130 - 150ms avg ping. That said, it could be that this data didn't capture the issues with your game or that you need to trace to the actual game servers to capture it.
In order to find the exact IP address of your game server, you could try this on PC:
1. Close all other applications, leaving only your game running
2. Run Command Prompt as Administrator and use the **netstat -b** command. Copy/paste the output to a text editor (i.e. notepad)
2. Then, run the command a second time after closing down your game.
3. Cross-reference your results. The address that displays in the first result, but not the second, **should** be your game server.
Or if you're interested, you could contact your game's support team and ask for the IP of your server. Community forums for the game are also a great place to search for this information.
Once you've nailed down the IP you're connected to, try out a trace! If you don't get a response (100% loss), then you'd just need to adjust your packet type and port number settings accordingly by creating a
[New Named Configuration](
https://www.pingplotter.com/manual/named_configurations.html). [Nmap](
https://nmap.org/download.html) is a great tool we use frequently to help find open ports/protocols for servers.
Here's a [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Raj7tX0TUQ) which talks a little more about isolating the problem.For more details about interpreting results for gaming, you can check out these articles:
- [Interpreting Graphs - Gaming](https://www.pingplotter.com/manual/interpretgraphsgamer.html) -
[Beat Game Lag](https://www.pingplotter.com/wisdom/article/beat-game-lag.html) Once you find your game server IP try tracing to that while you play your game and note times when you are experiencing issues. Then you can look back at PingPlotter to see if it shows anything at those times and if so where the issue is.
Once you have captured a good chunk of data tracing to your game server post another pp2 and we'll be happy to take a look at it.