My daughter is doing online learning and complained about glitching in her software when watching lectures and doing online quizzes. The attached image is at a time when all things were fine.
The attached screen shot shows a shockingly high packet loss in my first two Hops. This would indicate a problem within my own home, router, ethernet cable, or cable modem. The router is quite old and might be in need of replacement.
Looking at the final Hop, I see a latency of only 36.3ms, and NO packet loss. I have read that as long as the final Hop shows low latency and low packet loss, that I am OK
Speedtest by Ookla tells me that my upload and download speed are both around 30-35MBPS. Can I interpret the image to say that there is enough bandwidth to compensate for the horrendous packet loss in my first two Hops? I have just downloaded PingPlotter and am in awe of the possibilities, but I have no experience beyond what I have found in the help files for interpreting the results.
I am sure that there is a problem with some of my hardware, but it seems that even with the packet loss, things are fine as far as everyday use. Of course I will be watching now for the glitching, but I wanted to know what you think about the image and what it means. Thanks.
What does this mean.png (38 downloads)